Nike eyeD - 2014 Device Singularity

This thread was very interesting to read through and very inspiring as well. Thank you. A lot of ideas are now flooding my head from all of this. A couple of questions if I may ask:

-on scenario one:
I think the idea of having empathy of another persons athletic performance in a direct way to motivate the user is very interesting. Do you think there are other possibilities for communicating this ‘motivational empathy’? (ie via communications of other person’s heart beat, breath, temperature, pace, muscle stimulation…etc)

-on scenario two:
I think the concept of utilizing an augmented reality video game to make the experience of a sport more engaging and entertaining is awesome. I was imagining it was on the eyepiece and a game like mario cart can be played where the user picks up items and such and compete with other runners on the other side of the world. But how do you play a ‘physical’ video game with this car?

-on scenario three:
The social aspect of this area of thinking is so exciting and has so many possibilities specifically related to sports/exercise. Do you think this additional social dimension will be important for Nike to seriously research into? More specifically, the growing realm of social/mobile software/technologies…?
a few examples:

Also, these scenarios seem very specifically relevant to running. How do you think many of these technologies can be applied to organized sports?

Thanks again for inspiring!