Medically acceptable inj-mold plastics??

I dug out my chart for evaluation tests. From the OP, it sounds like you have a “External communicating device” and the contact duration is “Limited, <24h”.

Then it depends on body contact - “Blood path, indirect”, “Tissue/bone/dentin communicating”, or “Circulating blood”.

For “Blood path, indirect” and “Circulating blood”, you will need to run cytotoxicity, sensitization, irritation and systemic toxicity. I’d ballpark that at about $30K.

For “Tissue/bone/dentin communicating”, you will only need to run cytotoxicity, sensitization and irritation. I’d ballpark that at $15K.

If you are doing “Prolonged, >24h to 30 days”, you may need to run genotoxicity and haemocompatibility. Those could tip you into the six figures area.