Expected portfolio standard for entry level position

Agreed, look at recent grads on Coroflot and see where you compare in different skill areas, sketching, presentation, CAD, but also compare the stories you are able to tell with your process and projects.

Every employer will look for different skill sets at different times. Sometimes you might someone who shows great sketch ideation and can come up with lots of fresh ideas. Other times you might want someone who demonstrates more technical skills and could support your senior designers with projects.

In groups with lots of Jr. Designers, they may purposely blend designers with varied skillsets to round out the group better.

Lastly, keep in mind your portfolio will get you in the door but your personality and fit will get you a job. Good communication, humility, and a clear desire to learn are just as important to get across to a potential employer as to how awesome your solidworks skills may be.

Good luck,