Tear My Portfolio Apart, Please!

Overall, some excellent work here well presented. Bellow is my punch list of feedback. A lot of small things.

As said before, I think a single slide is superior to a 2 pg spread. The spreads are fine in printed materials, but digital materials should be optimized for screens.

Only 4 projects, seems thin on project for the amount of pages.

PG3, swap out that picture of a bowl. You have way more interesting things in your portfolio

PG4, your first project should be in the field you want to work in. Do you want to go into furniture? If not I would swap projects around.

Pg11 is the first time I see something you designed and it is just foam mockups… I should be seeing awesome images of things you designed from the get go.

Pg17, this should be a super hot image, not cardboard mockups.

Fisher Price project, excellent. Starts with a good image, skills shown throughout… more like that please!

Cookware, follow Fisher Price cadence. Takes too long to get to your design work, thinking can be made more visual. Don’t need pic of eggs. Sketching is very nice! Show me more and earlier. Good mock ups and final images… way too many pages, edit by half.

Room and Board, this is production work on an internship? Make a bigger deal about this. You have work in production. Full page spreads of lifestyle images. Add a page of sketching. Say clearly it is in production.

Same feedback with Fisher Price internship.

Overall 2 toy projects, a furniture project, and 2 housewares projects. Think about where you want to work and tailor your folio.

I also recommend adding a resume and about page in the beginning or the end.