Stefan Burlacu Portofolio

Hello everybody, I’m a product designer that likes to focus on concept development and been working as a freelancer for 3 years by now, doing custom furniture, graphic design, packaging and working on personal projects. Recently I’m planning on getting a job in the field of product/industrial design and wanted to know what is the reception of my Portofolio for this type category of work.
Thank you very much!

Here’s some quick feedback.
Product/Industrial design is a very wide field. Footwear, electronics, furniture, transportation, housewares, industrial equipment, etc. What would you like to work on? Consultancy vs corporate?
Your portfolio shows a project in every category but no concept development so it’s a bit hard to critique. The headphones project seems more like a 3D modeling exercise of a beats headphone than a design project.
The display stand is interesting but it doesn’t show much of exploration. It’s the only project with sketches so my gut reaction is that sketching is not your strong suit and that you enjoy coming up with a single design direction and developing that further without much exploration.
I like the Honey packaging project but again, you only show the final direction, no exploration or refinement. I think it’s well executed.

Quick reaction is you would be great at packaging and custom displays/fixtures. If you are trying to do other things then you need to beef up your portfolio and show the concept development that you say you like to focus on.

Thank you FH13 for the feedback, it did took me from my comfort zone and made me think. Consultancy seems more for me and the fields would be furniture, equipment, packaging, glassware and exhibition design (as entertainment seems my thing).
You were right on showing the process development, unfortunately each project took quite some time to finish as I was trying to bring it to a high quality presentational look as comercial as possible and it was thought to be presented to a future client than to a hiring company, beside that when the project reached the stage of final presentation some research sketches got lost on the way as my thoughts were on the final result and saving and showing the process wasn’t a my thing at that time. Thank you once again for the feedback.

No problem.
Yes, the projects look finished and professional but if your goal is to work for a consultancy then you will need to show your skills in market research, ideation, development, 3D modeling & rendering and the final product. The interviewer will need to know where you fit in in the consultancy and what your strengths and weaknesses are.
The vase sketches seem a bit rough and don’t fit in with the rest of your projects. Why don’t you take them to the level of the wine glass? It should be a quick modeling & rendering project.
The stool looks like it could go in production tomorrow; but it’s a simple project. If you like furniture then do some concepts on task chairs, hospitality furniture, desk/benching systems for the office, etc.

Thank you FH13 for your help
I have listened to your advice (which also it was suggested by a couple of my friends) and took the vases concept a little further. Please take a look Behance

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Hey Stefan,

I think that your vase project is really cool. I like the design a lot, as well as the iterations.

I think it would be good to start a new project where you focus on sketching several different solutions. While the vases are cool, they are all pretty similar to each other. Do some experiments for one product category where you sketch completely different shapes, ideas, solutions, colors, materials and finishes.
