Website portfolio feedback for new grad.

Hey everyone.

I’ve recently graduated in ID from Brunel University in the UK and made the first iteration of my personal website. My main focus with it is to display a few recent projects to pique peoples attention and then bring along a more process based portfolio for interviews or such. Now I’m well aware that sketch development is an area I am missing here, and am focussing on improving right now (sketch work was more of a learn it yourself element of the course).

At the moment I’m looking for a grad job in or around London, I’ve got a years experience in a small consultancy with decent clients, but I’ve had very little practice in actually looking for jobs and any help/feedback on the site or in general by you guys would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

My site -

Thanks in advance!

You have some really nice work in your portfolio Luke. I think that you got to a very well-resolved solution to each project. I think the biggest advice that I would have for you is to show the process for how you got to that end solution.

I look through numerous portfolios when we are looking to make a new hire. It is important to have a good end solution for each project (which you have), but I am looking to see the process. You may not need to show the entire process for every project, but I tend to think that you should go into greater depth for at least one or two projects. You want to be able to showcase all of your skills. I see a lot of portfolios that are comprised of just keyshot renderings. Many times these are some really nice keyshot renderings of some really bad or relatively boring designs.

Adding sketches (early sketches, refined sketches), as you have mentioned, will be a good start. You can sketch, I thought the concepts you provided for the National Geographic project were good, not great, but good. Don’t be afraid to include them.