Senior highschool student portfolio

Hi! I’ve had it very busy the past few months but I am finally in my first year Industrial Product Design (at Howest) and in the meantime, I have switched to squarespace for blogging which enables me to post a lot more than in the past and have published 1-2 new projects (also switched to a much easier to remember url name:
I’m trying to post every week the sketches I’ve made in school on here to see the progress I am making.

Besides that we’re also working in school on something I am really excited about and as part of that assignment we need to keep a blog running to post our progress.
I do have to say that it is in dutch, the URL is really clumsy and it uses a standard Blogger theme but that’s required for our assignment.
There are a lot of sketches I am posting on this site so that the teacher can track our progress and I thought that you’d might like to have a look