Looking for feedback on my Coroflot portfolio

I’m a Product design student studying in the UK and I am looking for some feedback on my Coroflot. It’s a relatively new account and I’ve been uploading my latest pieces of work. I’m still looking to add a lot more in terms of sketches and perhaps some full projects from start to finish.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I’m trying to get it nice and presentable by the time I graduate next summer.

Hi Matthew,

First of all, thanks for sharing your projects.

Let’s go with the review, first of all, I would include a link to your website, you have a cover image but no link, which makes it harder to reach it. I would also show more of the design process, you only have final renderings. They look cool, I think the quality is alright, but I only see the final design. It’s important to include research, idea development, refinement and models. It would be better to work more on the story telling, not just go this is what I did. There are no clues of how is your design thinking and why the designs ended up being like that.

It’s good to see that you’re going to upload more stuff, so maybe you already had on mind to do something like that.

I took the cover image down in the end, I see where you are coming from in terms of having no link as it may be a bit confusing, as far as i’m aware you can’t add a link to the banner which is a shame!
I’ve had some other feedback about my portfolio and they agree on how I need to add more about my process as at the moment it is mostly finished projects and no work to back up how I got there. I’ve just started a few big projects and i’m going to ensure that I document them so I can upload my process in full when i’m done.
Thanks for the feedback! It is very much appreciated!