Portfolio site feedback


I’d like some constructive feedback regarding my portfolio and website. You can view my site at


Kenny, very strong portfolio. Nice mix of projects, aesthetics, and levels of sketch, concept sketch, and CAD work. Pretty complete in my view.

Thanks Michael!


I’d have to agree, definitely strong work. I’ve seen your stuff before as I know some other SJSU ID grads.

My one real critique would be of your balance of process vs. product. I like process oriented portfolios, I think they tell a good story. It’s what I do in my own portfolio. But I think you could spend about 5 times the space/time on each product, really proving out the final design solution.

For instance, on your Arc Injet Printer project. 10/11 images are the process, setup, development, etc. 1 final slide is dedicated to showing me the final design. That breakup could likely be 10 process images, and 8-10 additional product images. You spend so much time qualifying your design decisions and process, but only 1 slide to prove your final design solution. On the printer, you could have those additional images showing specific details, use-cases, context shots, features… that’s your chance to sell the design as a whole.

Some good examples from other young ID portfolios:

Hi Eddie,

Cool, I can see the opportunity to expand content regarding features and product shots of my final designs. Thanks for the helpful feedback and links!


Kenny, the only thing I would point out is that you should make your resume a 1-pager. I’ve noticed some companies call out this request in their job posting description. Overall, really great work! Thanks for the inspiration. :smiley:

Hi Kenny
It would be great if you can mention how many hours/days you took to complete the projects.
They may seem easy like 3 days but maybe it took 1 month. So a approx figure would be great.

There are many scenario images, specailly the small ones, I have no clue what they mean and what they do. Example Swen project, second last image, bottom row.
On the Fasten project, the last image, there is a white spot ? Im not sure whats it ? looks like a PS eraser mark.
If you have technical spes written for Monoboard, why not also suggests manufacturing technique if its different.

Focus and spend time to have good scenario images which are large and brighter.
And have good quality glamour/money shot well composed.

All the best


I have recently revised my site and added new content. Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated.

