Will extra associate's matter?

To answer your original question, no an extra associates degree will not matter. Based on the consensus I would read this as fact. While the skills you could learn while earning it could be valuable, nothing beats professional experience in my opinion. All things being equal I would take a year on the job any day. Ah that’s right though all things are never equal are they?

I think it depends on where you are in terms of skill / confidence level and if you are truly ready to consider relocating when the call comes. Might another year in town benefit your family? What if you don’t decide to pursue it and it takes you 18 months to land a gig? Could you opt out now and return after your ID diploma if need be? But these only apply if the courses are of genuine interest to you. If you are simply considering it to ‘stand out’ (which it kind of sounds is the case?) you could spend a year sketching every damn day and I guarantee that would make you stand out more than claiming you know how to animate fabric blowing in the wind.