State & Public Schools.

Is there anyone who cares to comment on their state or public education and how it’s prepared them for the industry now that they are in it. Also, anyone in footwear design care to give some general info regarding a school that’s ideal for a 27 year old, transfer student, that is pretty poor and wants to choose a school that is inexpensive, prepare their students well, and is in a good market for internships? Particulary U of Cinc and Arizona State. Thank You!

What state are you located in? That is the biggest factor to university costs. Also, there are some bad schools out there, but it seems to me that the biggest factor to success is student initiative. If you can afford to, when you are school treat it like a job. Work 8 hours a day, 7 days a week on your projects. Manage your projects as though the deadlines are real.

I am in Arizona. So yes AZ state is a top choice because of price but, I want to be sure that there are not any better options.